
Inspire, or to feel inspiration, is the urge or ability to do or feel something. All the greats of their industries had a flicker of inspiration that set them on their path. Inspiration is all you need to get that motivation flowing. To clear the path for your motivation to do the hard work, the grit.

It is not for me to say what will strike your inspiration. Inspiration is something that is personal and unique to you. What I can help you do is find that inspiration, whatever it may be.  And this is going to be something very simple, very easy and very satisfying. I want you to picture what it is that you want, visualize the thing you desire most. Whether it is in your mind or on a tangible field like a vision board, or even a pinterest board. Get this visualization as strong and detailed as you can. Plan your goal down to the last feature that you desire. This should be something that is very satisfying, if it is not then it could be something that you do not truly desire, be careful of this.

Now you want you to do this everyday, either at the start or the end of your day or as many times as you feel the need to. You see, inspiration is about the feeling of the thing. Connect with your goal on a visual level and make it a reality and know its feeling before you even have it. If you do this everyday you will soon realize… you will soon feel something happening for you. All the greats did not just have a stroke of inspiration sent upon them and them only, inspiration is a feeling so it starts with the mind and the body… it starts within you.

[0]: Josh Calabrese & Elijah Henderson

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