Early to Rise…

How many times have you heard that the early bird gets the worm?

Waking up early is not the easiest thing to do, especially for those of us who love the warmth of our bed. Almost every morning you hear your alarm and all you want to do is just hit snooze. Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

We’re all trying to make changes, or try new things that bring us positive results. For most of us, the time to do this may only be early morning. We always tell ourselves that there’ll be time after work or after the kids go to bed.

But what if you’re stuck late to finish a project, or the kids were extra rambunctious tonight? It doesn’t make it easy, especially when you’re trying to make a change.

Now if you’re still trying to find your spark and determine your goal, you may not be looking to jump out of bed at 4:30-5am when it’s dark as night and the morning chill is tickling your skin. You might just roll back over and justify to yourself why you can do whatever it is you planned to do, later.

And that’s what your body and brain are built to do when you’re trying to deny your body the sleep it’s accustomed to.

It’s okay….this just means you’re human.

Adjust your sleep slowly. Start by setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier than you normally wake up. Do that for a few days, and then 10-15 minutes earlier. Try this until you feel like you have a decent amount of time in the morning to allow your body to wake up, get refreshed, and start working on the changes you want to make. If you feel tired throughout the day, add the time you’re removing from your morning and add it to the time you go to sleep at night.

Try what works best for you. Not everyone has the same results, maybe you start slower in the morning, or maybe you find it easier to bounce right out of bed.

Just remember, it only takes three weeks to develop a habit, so once you find your sweet spot just stick to it everyday and your body will make it part of your normal routine.

And before you know it, it becomes your new lifestyle.

📷: Casey Horner

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