
How confident we are boils down to how difficult we perceive our tasks and goals to be and how advanced we perceive our skill set to be. And the keyword here is the perception.

Low perceived difficulty:  If you feel your goal is attainable, no matter how skilled you believe you are you have high confidence in completing it.

High perceived skill set: If you feel fully equip to tackle your goal no matter how challenging you will inspire high confidence.

If we can isolate these two components, we can embody confidence just by perceiving the challenge has low difficulty. Knowing that your goal can be achieved just by clearing a path for it is a way to do this.

We can also embody confidence by perceiving that our skill set is more than equip to tackle the task. And this may be the more difficult to feel. We all are capable of learning what we need to get what we yearn for. There is nothing you can’t learn.

Everything can be learned, they key is to allow yourself to be taught and  of course a good teacher always helps. Developing these skills and analyzing yourself as you have been doing since the first post should be building both of these perceptions. We want there to be challenges  but we want to acquire a strong skill to tackle all of our challenges.  Everything will feel less difficult and you will be very strong at handling it.

[0]: Zoltan Tasi & Ales Krivec

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