I have discussed achieving as an action that when allowed to progress has nothing standing in its way. Maybe you agree with this, maybe you want to agree with this but you have some doubts. Firstly, cast all doubts aside and open your mind. If you take nothing else from these practices, I hope you can develop an open mind.
Consider how behavior affects your decision making process and further how understanding your behavior will help you clear the path for achievement. Your unique perspective is made up of all your experiences in your life. Your experiences will be different than anyone else’s, because, well, you’re you and there is only one you in this whole universe. But none of this should stand in your way of allowing your goals to be achieved. Your emotions will be strong and will challenge your efforts and grit but once you identify your behaviors you alleviate the opposing force acting upon your goals.
So what is behavior? Behavior is your collective of physical and emotional actions. What you think, feel, say and do. Everything you think and feel must be towards your goal, like a flower reaches for the sun. Everything you say and do must be in honor of your goal. You must dedicate every part of you to that goal and in that behavior your inner power will clear your path. Everything you think,feel, say and do will be in the effort of a clear path to your goal. Without resistance by mind and body your goal will be achieved.
[0]:Crawford Ifland & Alan Labisch